Thursday, April 17, 2008

First check point

As of this point, I have begun the clay portion of my product, which is creating aproximately three renditions of hypothetical SPECT images in 3D. These models will depict the differences in a violent persons brain activity, and a passive persons brain activity. Hopefully these models will help the judges to get a firmer grasp on my subject and the intresting data it has to offer, without sounding too complicated. The clay will take a few weeks to dry and then a day or two to cool after it is fired, so I seem to be running short on time, however, I'm sure I will pull it off. My mentor has been great in helping me find un-copywrited material that I can use in my presentation. At this point I'm becoming more stressed than I was before, and typically I work better that way. I have really spent the most time in research for this project, due to all the obstacles with confidentiality. It seems that I could have chosen something more available and easy to work with, but the fact is, this kind of information is what I am facinated with. I truely want to take this information and pursue more on this subject in a career field.

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